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101 Excuses Women Use to Get Out of SEX: Funny Diary Gift for Men Best Gift Relationship R

B. inggris 2. What is your opinion about figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole)​

2. What is your opinion about figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole)​


Figurative or also called language style, is a form of language use in the form of comparisons or parables. Generally, figures of speech are considered to be used only in literary works. In fact, figuratively unconsciously can be found in various forms of language use.

  • simile : Simile is a simile figure of speech. The words commonly used in this figure of speech are like, as, like, for example, like, like, and similar. Simile comes from the Latin word meaning like. Simile figure of speech is used to describe a situation by comparing it to something else.
  • metaphor : Metaphor comes from the Greek which means to move. Metaphor is used to help the writer describe things clearly, by comparing one thing with other things that have the same characteristics and characteristics. The difference between metaphor and simile is that metaphorical figure of speech is implicit. While the simile is explicit.
  • personification: Personification of figure of speech is a figure of speech that attaches the characteristics of living things to inanimate objects.
  • Personification or cognition is a style of language that equates objects with humans, having properties, abilities, thoughts, feelings, as possessed and experienced by humans.
  • hyperbole: Hyperbole is a figure of speech that is used to exaggerate something. This figure of speech aims to suppress, intensify, or give an exaggerated impression.